A foobar2000 interactive Timeline Spider Monkey Panel of your library. Configurable by Title Format, lets you generate playlists clicking on it. Based on Statistics-Framework-SMP
- Statistics fully configurable:
- Set data per axis with Title Format.
- 3 Axis available.
- Allows to aggregate data in groups, calculate proportional values per group (for ex. average rating/album), ...
- Configurable sources: library, active/now playing playist, selectable playlists (by name).
- Filtering with queries.
- Highly configurable chart and data manipulation.
- Asynchronous data calculations (UI is not blocked).
- Point statistics.
- Scroll with buttons and mouse dragging.
- Zoom with mouse wheel and button.
- Configurable background (cover, colors, gradient, ...).
- Color palettes and schemes from colorbrewer.
- Colorblind friendly.
- Tool-tip shows multiple info about the point selected.
- AutoPlaylist and Playlist creation on click over a point.
- Fully Wine - Unix - non IE SOs compatible.